Jane Austen

Jane Austen was an English novelist who lived from 1775 to 1817 and is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language. Born in the county of Hampshire, Austen wrote six novels that are beloved for their wit, their insight into human nature, and their social commentary. Her works, including “Pride and Prejudice” (1813), “Sense and Sensibility” (1811), and “Emma” (1815), are known for their sharp, satirical depictions of Georgian society and their timeless exploration of love, marriage, and the relationships between men and women. Despite being written over 200 years ago, Austen’s works continue to be widely read and loved by audiences around the world, and her novels are considered to be among the greatest works of English literature. Her writing is characterized by its irony, its wit, and its sparkling dialogue, and her insight into human nature remains as fresh and relevant today as it was when it was first written.

Jane Austen

Books by Jane Austen